Hockey Laval AAA-AA
Association de hockey Laval AAA-AA


Click here to log in and view your schedule or that of your child.

Hours Category Type # Description Groups
Mon 20 May
17:00 to 18:30 (90) U11 Inter-Équipe PC036 Inter-Équipe M11AA-1 vs M11AA-4 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
18:30 to 20:00 (90) U13 Game PC037 Hors Concours M13AAA Élites vs Pionniers Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
20:00 to 21:30 (90) U15 Game PC038 Hors Concours M15AAA vs Pionniers Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
Tue 21 May
17:00 to 18:30 (90) U11 Inter-Équipe PC039 Inter-Équipe M11AA-2 vs M11AA-5 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
18:30 to 20:00 (90) U13 Game PC040 Hors Concours M13AAA vs Pionniers Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
20:00 to 21:30 (90) U15 Game PC041 Hors Concours vs Pionniers M15AAAÉlite-1 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
Wed 22 May
17:00 to 18:00 (60) U11 Inter-Équipe PC042 Inter-Équipe M11AA-3 vs M11AA-6 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
18:00 to 19:30 (90) U15 Game PC043 Hors Concours M15AAA vs Pionniers Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
19:30 to 21:00 (90) U15 Game PC044 Hors Concours vs Pionniers M15AAAÉlite-2 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
21:00 to 22:00 (60) U18 Inter-Équipe PC045 Inter-Équipe M18AA-1 vs M18AA-2 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
Thu 23 May
17:00 to 18:00 (60) U11 Inter-Équipe PC046 Inter-Équipe M11AA-1 vs M11AA-3 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
18:00 to 19:00 (60) U15 Inter-Équipe PC047 Inter-Équipe M15BB-1 vs M15BB-2 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
19:00 to 20:00 (60) U15 Inter-Équipe PC048 Inter-Équipe M15BB-3 vs M15BB-4 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
20:00 to 21:00 (60) U18 Inter-Équipe PC049 Inter-Équipe M18AA-3 vs M18AA-4 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
Mon 27 May
17:00 to 18:00 (60) U11 Inter-Équipe PC050 Inter-Équipe M11AA-2 vs M11AA-6 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
18:00 to 19:00 (60) U15 Inter-Équipe PC051 Inter-Équipe M15BB-1 vs M15BB-5 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
19:00 to 20:00 (60) U15 Inter-Équipe PC052 Inter-Équipe M15BB-2 vs M15BB-3 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
20:00 to 21:30 (90) U18 Inter-Équipe PC053 Inter-Équipe M18AA-1 vs M18AA-4 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
Tue 28 May
17:00 to 18:00 (60) U11 Inter-Équipe PC054 Inter-Équipe M11AA-4 vs M11AA-5 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
18:00 to 19:00 (60) U15 Inter-Équipe PC055 Inter-Équipe M15BB-4 vs M15BB-5 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
19:00 to 20:00 (60) U15 Inter-Équipe PC056 Inter-Équipe M15BB-1 vs M15BB-3 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
20:00 to 21:30 (90) U18 Inter-Équipe PC057 Inter-Équipe M18AA-2 vs M18AA-3 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
Wed 29 May
17:00 to 18:00 (60) U11 Inter-Équipe PC058 Inter-Équipe M11AA-1 vs M11AA-6 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
18:00 to 19:00 (60) U15 Inter-Équipe PC059 Inter-Équipe M15BB-2 vs M15BB-4 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3
19:00 to 20:00 (60) U15 Inter-Équipe PC060 Inter-Équipe M15BB-3 vs M15BB-5 Complexe Sportif Guimond - Glace 3

Schedule of Activities

You can consult here the schedule of activities of the organization Hockey Laval AAA-AA. To facilitate its consultation, you can use the available filters. We suggest that you save this schedule in your favorites as you will need to consult it regularly.

Download the mobile app now to view your schedule and indicate your presence.

Attendance Management

To view a member's schedule, you must be logged in and have your email address on file. To sign in, you can create an account or simply authorize your device. Once this is done, you will be able to indicate the presence or absence of a member at a given activity. By indicating the presence, you facilitate the work of the coaches and organizers.

Sync schedule with your favorite calendar

You can have the list of activities directly in the calendar of your smart phone. If you have multiple children, subscribe to each of them and get the complete list of activities in real time in your favorite calendar like Outlook, Google Calendar or iOS.


You will not necessarily receive an email each time an activity is added to the schedule. You will normally receive one if an activity is canceled or if there is a last minute change. However, you can schedule reminders to make sure you don't miss a thing.

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